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4.1 Afspraken: Engagementen van MaaS aanbieders 

The restrictions on pricing and bundling will weaken the role of public transport and diminish innovation, a development we do not want to support.

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While we understand that this agreement is a first step towards an open ecosystem, we do want to highlight that restricting the bundling and pricing of public transport will diminish innovations and the freedom of choice for customers. We also want to strongly emphasize that the pricing restrictions must be paired with fair commissions that include a reasonable profit, in accordance with established practices in resales. Otherwise MaaS will not develop in accordance with societal goals. This is of the utmost importance when moving forward, the one cannot exist without the other. The current document creates the risk that MaaS providers will be forced to develop value propositions towards a private shared service combi offer, whereby the public mobility modes are only available as a separate appendix to subscriptions in the MaaS app. This attempt to control the ecosystem will, paradoxically, weaken public transport in relation to other modes, a development we do not want to support.